Today there are more reported cases of carpal tunnel syndrome than at any point in history. Part of the reason for the increase is because of a shift in employment from physically demanding jobs of yesteryear to the technology infused settings we have today. Many people are taking work from the downtown office to the home office which if further exacerbating the issue. When you work at home most of the time, you will set for long hours banging on the keyboard, never taking scheduled breaks as you would in a structured environment.
In addition posture and muscle tone are suffering because when you are at home you tend to ignore proper form. This does not mean the only people with carpal tunnel syndrome are office personnel; in fact, there are many incidences of this kind of injury in manufacturing and other manual labor jobs. Any time you are doing the same motion, over and over again you are at risk for carpal tunnel. If there is, any good thing to come from the increased numbers of sufferers it is that knowledge about the syndrome is increasing.
You can get carpal tunnel in just one hand or in both, again depending on your work and or lifestyle. The severity can differ from one hand to the next as well, one could be severe and the other mild. As soon as you notice symptoms in either hand, you should consult your family physician. The sooner you have a treatment plan in place the more quickly you will be on the road to better health.
Wrist braces are one of the tools that can help those who suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome. Depending on your condition, you may need a wrist brace during the day when you are performing repetitive tasks with your hands or wrists while others may only need a wrist brace during the evening as part of their healing process. Both methods can work for many sufferers, but discuss with your doctor which method will be best for you since every individual needs a tailored treatment plan for their carpal tunnel symptoms.
Wrist exercises and stretches have been used in combination with wrist braces in order to help those suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome in order to heal and make the hands and wrists stronger than before. If you have been put on a treatment plan that includes exercises or stretches be sure to diligently perform these regularly as your doctor has prescribed. Without these stretches or exercises the wrist brace cannot help you heal as quickly or effectively as it would without them.
A wrist brace will not help you heal as quickly or effectively without these stretches or exercises. Your overall treatment time will depend a great deal, on how motivated you are to practice the exercises and implement the wrist braces. Do all of these well and you will be on the fast track to recovery. - 30453
In addition posture and muscle tone are suffering because when you are at home you tend to ignore proper form. This does not mean the only people with carpal tunnel syndrome are office personnel; in fact, there are many incidences of this kind of injury in manufacturing and other manual labor jobs. Any time you are doing the same motion, over and over again you are at risk for carpal tunnel. If there is, any good thing to come from the increased numbers of sufferers it is that knowledge about the syndrome is increasing.
You can get carpal tunnel in just one hand or in both, again depending on your work and or lifestyle. The severity can differ from one hand to the next as well, one could be severe and the other mild. As soon as you notice symptoms in either hand, you should consult your family physician. The sooner you have a treatment plan in place the more quickly you will be on the road to better health.
Wrist braces are one of the tools that can help those who suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome. Depending on your condition, you may need a wrist brace during the day when you are performing repetitive tasks with your hands or wrists while others may only need a wrist brace during the evening as part of their healing process. Both methods can work for many sufferers, but discuss with your doctor which method will be best for you since every individual needs a tailored treatment plan for their carpal tunnel symptoms.
Wrist exercises and stretches have been used in combination with wrist braces in order to help those suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome in order to heal and make the hands and wrists stronger than before. If you have been put on a treatment plan that includes exercises or stretches be sure to diligently perform these regularly as your doctor has prescribed. Without these stretches or exercises the wrist brace cannot help you heal as quickly or effectively as it would without them.
A wrist brace will not help you heal as quickly or effectively without these stretches or exercises. Your overall treatment time will depend a great deal, on how motivated you are to practice the exercises and implement the wrist braces. Do all of these well and you will be on the fast track to recovery. - 30453
About the Author:
Keeping a wrist brace on at night can prevent prolonged wrist flexion or extension while you sleep. Be sure to take some time for your wrist stretches and exercises no matter if you are using the wrist brace during the evening, the daytime, or both. If you think you might be developing from CTS, click on this link to learn some simple carpal tunnel exercises that can help stop the progression of CTS and ease existing symptoms.