Sore Wrist Treatment and Care

By Tom Nicholson

When it comes to your body joints one is more important than all the rest, it is the wrist. This complex joint is used in nearly everything you do on a daily basis so your dexterity and strength are important. The wrist is composed of several bones, five metacarpal, eight carpal and two forearm bones. These are all meshed together in an intricate pattern that includes ligaments, nerves and blood vessels. The bottom line is this, if you have a sore wrist you should get it taken care of immediately.


Why all the fuss about a simple sore wrist, you might ask? When you do not seek treatment from either your physician, at home or both you run some serious risks with your dexterity and strength. The problems can multiply three fold from something minor to actual loss of use. Think about all the times you use your wrist each day and how an injured or inflamed joint could cause serious issues.

Your common daily duties such as working at your computer, washing dishes or playing sports such as golf can aggravate a sore wrist that has not been treated appropriately. In the end, you could wind up with more expensive treatment plans, complicated surgery and even potentially more pain for not paying attention to your sore wrist in the first place. When you are experiencing pain in your wrist, you should take notice and take action. When you do, you will have longer and healthier use of the most important joint in your body.

Common Causes

Pain in your wrist can be brought on by many different things, such as an injury to the location, constantly performing the same motion or trauma. To determine the possible cause of your pain your physician will ask you a series of questions about the frequency and location of the pain as well as your history and any medicines you might currently be taking. Your doctor should be thorough and ask many questions to find the right diagnosis.

Medical conditions like tendonitis, arthritis, ganglion cysts and carpal tunnel syndrome are all possible culprits when you have a sore wrist. Repeating the same motion on a consistent basis can also bring on wrist pain. When you do any motion repetitively like tennis or typing for a long time with no support and improper form you run a risk for injury. You could have also sprained or cracked your wrist in a fall.

Of course, as you probably already know many of these causes can be related. For instance, you can develop carpal tunnel syndrome by doing repetitive motions such as keyboarding without utilizing simple hand exercises or after long periods of use.


A correct diagnosis is crucial to getting the right treatment for your sore wrist. Each cause may call for a different treatment method, such as RICE treatment for sprains or surgery for carpal tunnel syndrome.

A medical professional should be the one to assign the best treatment for your sore wrist. Nevertheless the RICE protocol, that is rest, ice, compress and elevation is good practical advice for both first aid and after care. In some instances, you may have to make some lifestyle changes such is normally the case for arthritis. Discuss all options with your doctor when it comes to surgery, cortisone or other pain relievers, as you will have many physical and financial repercussions to deal with afterwards.

Undeniably, a sore wrist can be a pain in the neck. With the right medical attention and personal care, however, it can be a pain of the past. - 30453

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