Do you want to stop blushing, compulsive lying or gain more effective addiction treatment? These problems may be vastly different but they have two things in common - they can all cause stress to those who suffer from them; and all can be treated using hypnotherapy and mindfulness therapy.
Can you imagine the sense of freedom and control you will feel if you are able to finally gain control over blushing, compulsive lying or your addiction? If you'd like to regain control read on to find out how hypnotherapy and mindfulness therapy can put you in control of your life!
How to Stop Blushing People often associate social anxiety and social phobia with blushing but this isn't always the case. Just because you blush doesn't mean you have social anxiety but blushing can lead to social anxiety. The interesting thing is that the fear of blushing, rather than blushing, becomes the greatest problem. Whether you have a problem with excessive blushing or not, you've probably noticed that when you're in a situation that makes you fear that you will blush, blushing comes rushing!
The person who suffers from excessive blushing can feel they have no control over the actions of their body and this creates fear which makes matters worse - but mindfulness therapy combined with hypnotherapy can help you to control the fear and as a result, control the blushing.
Keeping a cool head so to speak becomes easier when you learn just how to let go of the fear of blushing. Hypnotherapy can help you to manage your mind body connection, including your relationship with temperature and facial flushes. If you have tried hypnotherapy for blushing and not achieved a result, it may be because it wasn't combined with mindfulness therapy.
Mindfulness therapy is a technique that involves intentional, non judgemental experiencing of your sensations, thoughts and feelings. It allows you to gain an awareness and understanding of the mind-body connection. In essence, you'll get to know your blushing problem intimately and as a result, be able to reduce fear and anxiety.
Stop Compulsive Lying Compulsive lying or pathological lying is a learned coping behaviour which can destroy close relationships. Most compulsive liars have learned to lie as easily as they shake hands and rarely feel there is a problem telling lies. It's easy to understand the devastating effect this habit can have on the personal, work and business relationships of the person telling the lies but for the compulsive liar, it's difficult to control the problem.
What causes compulsive lying? It's usually shame - an underlying feeling that they are unworthy, deficient or inadequate as they are. They begin to make things up and eventually compulsive lying becomes an almost unconscious, attempt to cover shame feelings by appearing special.
Effective treatment for compulsive lying involves mindfulness therapy, counselling and hypnotherapy. The techniques are combined to work with both conscious and unconscious habits of mind. Mindfulness and attachment therapy combined provides the person suffering from compulsive lying with a secure relationship with a therapist. Within that secure relationship they are able to be authentic and honest without fear of judgement. It allows them the opportunity to get to know themselves on a deeper level and deal with feelings of shame and inadequacy which in turn can remove their need for compulsive lying.
Treatment for Addiction Addiction treatment usually involves counselling, rehabilitation, medication or a twelve step recovery program but most addictions suggest a deeper problem that needs to be addressed if a long lasting result is to be achieved.
Addictions are often an attempt to avoid feelings of anxiety, guilt, shame, anger and depression. The addiction might vary but whether it's compulsive shopping, binge drinking, or an addiction to drugs, chocolate, coffee or gambling, the common element is an unconscious attempt to avoid unpleasant and possibly unconscious feelings.
Hypnotherapy combined with mindfulness therapy can be effective in addiction treatment. The addict is able to identify and deal with the feelings they've been avoiding, bringing them to a conscious level, thereby reducing the need to avoid them and gaining control over their addiction.
Blushing, compulsive lying and addictions have yet another thing in common - they are all essentially habits that rely on the sufferer being unaware of, or unable to deal with feelings that are for the most part, unconscious. - 30453
Can you imagine the sense of freedom and control you will feel if you are able to finally gain control over blushing, compulsive lying or your addiction? If you'd like to regain control read on to find out how hypnotherapy and mindfulness therapy can put you in control of your life!
How to Stop Blushing People often associate social anxiety and social phobia with blushing but this isn't always the case. Just because you blush doesn't mean you have social anxiety but blushing can lead to social anxiety. The interesting thing is that the fear of blushing, rather than blushing, becomes the greatest problem. Whether you have a problem with excessive blushing or not, you've probably noticed that when you're in a situation that makes you fear that you will blush, blushing comes rushing!
The person who suffers from excessive blushing can feel they have no control over the actions of their body and this creates fear which makes matters worse - but mindfulness therapy combined with hypnotherapy can help you to control the fear and as a result, control the blushing.
Keeping a cool head so to speak becomes easier when you learn just how to let go of the fear of blushing. Hypnotherapy can help you to manage your mind body connection, including your relationship with temperature and facial flushes. If you have tried hypnotherapy for blushing and not achieved a result, it may be because it wasn't combined with mindfulness therapy.
Mindfulness therapy is a technique that involves intentional, non judgemental experiencing of your sensations, thoughts and feelings. It allows you to gain an awareness and understanding of the mind-body connection. In essence, you'll get to know your blushing problem intimately and as a result, be able to reduce fear and anxiety.
Stop Compulsive Lying Compulsive lying or pathological lying is a learned coping behaviour which can destroy close relationships. Most compulsive liars have learned to lie as easily as they shake hands and rarely feel there is a problem telling lies. It's easy to understand the devastating effect this habit can have on the personal, work and business relationships of the person telling the lies but for the compulsive liar, it's difficult to control the problem.
What causes compulsive lying? It's usually shame - an underlying feeling that they are unworthy, deficient or inadequate as they are. They begin to make things up and eventually compulsive lying becomes an almost unconscious, attempt to cover shame feelings by appearing special.
Effective treatment for compulsive lying involves mindfulness therapy, counselling and hypnotherapy. The techniques are combined to work with both conscious and unconscious habits of mind. Mindfulness and attachment therapy combined provides the person suffering from compulsive lying with a secure relationship with a therapist. Within that secure relationship they are able to be authentic and honest without fear of judgement. It allows them the opportunity to get to know themselves on a deeper level and deal with feelings of shame and inadequacy which in turn can remove their need for compulsive lying.
Treatment for Addiction Addiction treatment usually involves counselling, rehabilitation, medication or a twelve step recovery program but most addictions suggest a deeper problem that needs to be addressed if a long lasting result is to be achieved.
Addictions are often an attempt to avoid feelings of anxiety, guilt, shame, anger and depression. The addiction might vary but whether it's compulsive shopping, binge drinking, or an addiction to drugs, chocolate, coffee or gambling, the common element is an unconscious attempt to avoid unpleasant and possibly unconscious feelings.
Hypnotherapy combined with mindfulness therapy can be effective in addiction treatment. The addict is able to identify and deal with the feelings they've been avoiding, bringing them to a conscious level, thereby reducing the need to avoid them and gaining control over their addiction.
Blushing, compulsive lying and addictions have yet another thing in common - they are all essentially habits that rely on the sufferer being unaware of, or unable to deal with feelings that are for the most part, unconscious. - 30453
About the Author:
If you need addiction treatment or you want to stop compulsive lying, a combination of hypnotherapy and mindfulness therapy may be effective for you. It can put you in touch with unconscious feelings and break the hold that addiction, blushing or lying has on you.