One of the most interesting and highly lauded treatments for carpal tunnel syndrome is art of acupuncture. At the most basic level, acupuncture involves the insertion or "spinning" of very thin needles into specific places in the body. This is believed to create a better flow of energy through the body along lines known as meridians. Once the needles are removed, people find that they have better energy and even find that certain medical conditions are much improved. One interpretation for why acupuncture works the way that it it does is that it encourages the release of natural pain-killers into the body while encouraging healthy blood flow. If you have carpal tunnel syndrome, the needles are inserted into points on your arm, wrist, thumb and hand, though you might also have needles spun into your neck, upper back and legs.
The number of acupuncture sessions that you need will vary based on how severe your pain is, how rough you are on your hands and how healthy you are in general; this is something to speak to your practitioner about.
While keeping in mind that the needles do not hurt when inserted, you may find that you are more drawn to a process known as laser acupuncture, where a hand-held laser is used instead of a needle.
In one study on the effectiveness of acupuncture on CTS, 36 people with similar levels of pain were studied for two years. Of those 36, 14 had one or two surgeries done, though there were no results. Then, three laser acupuncture sessions were given to the study's participants every week for over a month; at the end of this time, 33 of the original 36 reported that their pain was haled or gone entirely, even the ones who had had ineffective surgeries. Over the next two years, CTS pain returned to only two participants, but both of those participants were then successfully re-treated for their issues.
In 1997, the National Institutes of Health declared that acupuncture was a useful and viable supplemental treatment to the standard procedures of treating CTS and was a good candidate for inclusion into a regimen of CTS treatment. However, there is not enough evidence to tell us that it can cure CTS. 36 people with good results, while impressive, is not a good sample size and it is important to remember that laser acupuncture wasn't the only thing that was used there. Traditional Chinese herbal remedies were also used as were traditional acupuncture, other nutritional supplements and even the ancient heat therapy moxibustion.
If you are thinking about acupuncture but still shying away from the price, remember that you should always try good hand exercises first. There are exercises that will help you relieve your CTS symptoms and you won't even need to consult with your doctor or change your diet! - 30453
The number of acupuncture sessions that you need will vary based on how severe your pain is, how rough you are on your hands and how healthy you are in general; this is something to speak to your practitioner about.
While keeping in mind that the needles do not hurt when inserted, you may find that you are more drawn to a process known as laser acupuncture, where a hand-held laser is used instead of a needle.
In one study on the effectiveness of acupuncture on CTS, 36 people with similar levels of pain were studied for two years. Of those 36, 14 had one or two surgeries done, though there were no results. Then, three laser acupuncture sessions were given to the study's participants every week for over a month; at the end of this time, 33 of the original 36 reported that their pain was haled or gone entirely, even the ones who had had ineffective surgeries. Over the next two years, CTS pain returned to only two participants, but both of those participants were then successfully re-treated for their issues.
In 1997, the National Institutes of Health declared that acupuncture was a useful and viable supplemental treatment to the standard procedures of treating CTS and was a good candidate for inclusion into a regimen of CTS treatment. However, there is not enough evidence to tell us that it can cure CTS. 36 people with good results, while impressive, is not a good sample size and it is important to remember that laser acupuncture wasn't the only thing that was used there. Traditional Chinese herbal remedies were also used as were traditional acupuncture, other nutritional supplements and even the ancient heat therapy moxibustion.
If you are thinking about acupuncture but still shying away from the price, remember that you should always try good hand exercises first. There are exercises that will help you relieve your CTS symptoms and you won't even need to consult with your doctor or change your diet! - 30453
About the Author:
Don't let yourself sit by helplessly as your carpal tunnel syndrome more and more painful. Did you know that simply changing several of your daily habits can help alleviate some of the pain caused by CTS? Or that there are easy to learn simple massage that can take away the numbness in your hands? Follow this link to learn carpal tunnel exercises that can help you learn healthy habits for life.