Feel Fit And Fine With A Full Body Massage

By Ned Dagostino

A body massage has a revitalizing effect on the body. It relaxes you, it invigorates you, it refreshes you. Read on to find out how a massage can do wonders for you in more ways than you thought possible.

We are used to getting and giving a simple massage at home. You come home all stressed out and irritable. Then your spouse leads you to your favorite chair, and then begins to loosen the muscles at the back of your neck with a gentle massage. The smile comes back, and you feel your stress ebbing away! That is exactly what a number of alternative therapies have discovered ages ago, and our mainstream medical science is discovering now. A home massage is wonderful, but a professional massage is a great deal better.

You must visit a qualified, trained, professional masseur to get the real benefits of a full body massage. He will take you into a private cabin. There you will have to lie prone on the massage table, with a sheet draped over your body. The massage is given directly to the body areas and so you have to remove your clothes. You can choose to have a general massage or a special deep tissue massage or any other type of massage which is on offer. The choice is yours, and as you gain more experience in getting massaged, you will be better able to make your selection of a specific massage.

When the massage therapist begins the massage, you feel a certain pressure forming in the area being massaged. It stops just short of being painful. However that feeling is momentary. Immediately afterwards you'll feel the pressure getting less and with it you'll feel a relaxation that is very pleasant. The pain, the soreness and the tiredness you came in with, will just evaporate! The massaging effect exercises your blood vessels and your nerves. The blood circulation picks up pace and the nerves get back to their proper position. The increased blood circulation helps the restorative elements in the blood to reach damaged areas faster and better. This heals the body, thus improving your health.

Insufficient activity and improper posture cause our blood vessels and nerves to get displaced from their normal positions. Our health suffers when the blood vessels are twisted out of place. When the nerves get cramped it tells on our brain in the form of a pervasive tension or stress. Thus our health and wellness both suffer. In a body massage, the masseur firmly manipulates the body, helping choked blood vessels to open up, which increases the transport of oxygen, nutrients and disease-fighting antibodies throughout the body. Damaged muscles and other tissues get repaired faster. Unhealthy flab is worked away in the massage. The masseur's manipulations help nerves to get uncramped, thus relieving stress and tension. The blood circulation of the skin gets pepped up as well, resulting in a tighter, healthier skin tone. So, a full body massage gives us many benefits in one go.

We generally believe that a massage is a form of physical therapy, and hence benefits us in a physical way only. This is not true. We are benefited mentally as well as physically. Just as the muscles get tired due to the accumulation of wastes, our brain undergoes much the same effect when we exert ourselves mentally. The enhanced blood circulation washes away the accumulated toxins from the brain, and leaves it fresh and tension-free! That's why you can get a really good, healthy sleep after a body massage.

Massage therapy is based on the therapeutic effect of touch. Humans and animals both respond positively to being touched. Ever seen how a dog loves to be petted? What about that pat on your shoulder, that affectionate or sympathetic embrace? All these are examples of how we think of touch being a positive action, rather than a negative action. A well-trained masseur will know just how to touch you to make you feel positive and happier. A body massage is a natural mood elevator.

Now that we've analyzed the effects of a body massage, why don't you get yourself an appointment with a good, reputed, licensed, professional massage therapist, and help yourself to a veritable bouquet of benefits, physical, mental, and emotional! - 30453

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